A Walk About With Larry

Larry Prochazka

Speaker and facilitator, international adventure traveler, a person engaged in living and being fully engaged in life. Varied and unusual life history including: wilderness leader, exploring natural healing, tractor driver, ranch sitter, corporate trainer, professional speaker, triathlete and trail runner, hiker, cook and baker, hammock lover and coffee master/barista. Life is to be lived and I've done my best to experience the variety of life. I love people, expanding my own experiences, growing and learning new things.

Travel to the Hot springs, and a bit of mystery novel wisdom!

What a relaxing time in the hot springs after days of focusing on studying Spanish!  Now, after traveling here, getting thoroughly cooked and enjoying some good food, I’m pooped!  Now, I’m feeling challenged to stay awake long enough to wait for bed time!!!   First, a thoughtful quote.  Often, I find some provocative insight in reading

Travel to the Hot springs, and a bit of mystery novel wisdom! Read More »

About to launch….

Tomorrow morning, I leave on adventure.   Well…that obviously didn’t work well.  This message got stuck in draft form.  Now, I am in Chiapas…follow the journey with me. I never know for sure when one will happen.  I have a list of possibilities.  Generally, an idea will swoop in, out of the blue.  Once I

About to launch…. Read More »

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Patience and persistent travel day! Let go, listen and flow….repeat!

Interesting travel day! Indeed! I appreciate the variety and simple challenges of traveling. Like when I cook or bake, I don’t follow recipe’s. When I travel, I read, talk to lots of people, do my research on the internet, ask lots of questions, look at different angles and make reservations for my first night or

Patience and persistent travel day! Let go, listen and flow….repeat! Read More »

Awesome Bacalar Sunset

Travel primer……how to travel from Cancun to Bacalar to Belize to Flores to Rio Dulce.

Wandering for my birthday!  I got the urge to take a birthday trip.  And then witnessed it unfold.  I checked flights and found good affordable direct flight .  Then I cleared my calendar.  Suddenly, I was busy with only 10 days to plan my trip and pack! Several people made comments to me like “I’d

Travel primer……how to travel from Cancun to Bacalar to Belize to Flores to Rio Dulce. Read More »

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