A Walk About With Larry


Sunday In Valladolid

I traveled to Valladolid specifically to be here for Sunday.  Sunday in the Zocolo is awesome.  The community comes out.  There are performances and music and food.  There are marquesita’s and churro’s!  And very few cell phones.  Families hang out together.

This Sunday was only slightly different.  It’s the first time I’ve been here a dozen tour buses.  Of course, the buses stop for long enough for their passengers to get out, walk around (with name tags on full display), snap photo’s and pass through the village culture without much experience of it.

They left and the evening music was about to begin.  Awesome!  Really, what an AWESOME experience hearing the music and seeing people get out and dance.  One older man in his 80’s walked to a chair with his four-footed cane.  Put it down, grabbed a partner and was dancing.

I joke that the concert started but a street dance broke out!  At first, it rained.  Then the rained cleared, the air cooled and dancers took to the street!

Yes, I got my treats and has awesome music as well!  Love this little village and am savoring it now as it seems to be changing every day.

1 thought on “Sunday In Valladolid”

  1. Music and warm smiles- the universal language. I will have to go back to Valladolid when I am not sick as I was last year. The people I met were so kind to me in my compromised state, but I did not really get to experience the city. Thanks for the taste of when Valladolid is at it’s best!

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