A Walk About With Larry

Travel Break for Spanish Classes in Guatemala! Awesome!

I can’t believe how fast two weeks have flown by?!?!?  I’ve had a great time with the family and the community.  Tomorrow is my final day.  Maybe I’m ready for it.  This is about how my head felt today….

steam coming out of the ears mad woman

Could have had something to do with all the hours I spent with computer stuff the past two days.  Rather than a morning break, I spent nearly three hours getting things to work.  Then, when we started our afternoon 2 hour class, I got my phone set up to upgrade which took just under 2 hours.  Then another hour to complete.

Messy?  Learning to get around on buses.  Learning how to use and NOT use new SIM card.  Getting into rhythm with Spanish.  All came together perfectly!

A couple people have asked me if I am fluent now?  Ha!  While I am on overload, it’s a bit discouraging to look at how much of the book is left to work with.

IMG 4767
The book.
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Where I am in it!

Good thing I have this book at home!  I can continue when I return and have classes with Pedro on Skype.

For now, I have one Moza beer left and packing to do.  I prefer not having too much to do my last night here and I leave early Saturday.

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