A Walk About With Larry


Arrival and restoration

My trip to Mexico from Guatemala was eventful.  Once more, a prime opportunity to practice the “three non’s”.  Those are:  1.) non-attachment, 2.) non-judgment and 3.) non-resistance.  Things flow as they flow, not as you or I would like them to.  Surrender, flow with what is and it minimizes a lot of stress and wasted energy.

Pick up at 7:00 am was very late.  Bus then toon another 45 minutes picking up people.  Then, after 15 minutes of driving, he stopped for breakfast break (his family restaurant).  Clearly, we were not on any time agenda in spite of what we were told.  No, we would not be arriving by 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon.

Border crossing to Belize during Easter week was 3 hours rather than the 10 minutes it took coming the other way.  Got a good tan!  And dehydrated until I could find lots of fluid to replenish.

Slowest bus driver I’ve ever seen on our journey through Belize.   Really, the slowest but it provided lots of time to appreciate the countryside we could see passing so slowly and have some meditation time.

Finally, at nearly 8:00 pm, we pulled into Chetumal.  The next bus to Tulum was loading but, Easter again, the line was too long.  There was a second class bus learning at 9:00..perfect!

Made it to Tulum around 1:30 to find my hostel closed.  Smiling, adjusting, I found another.  Everything happens exactly as it happens.

I enjoyed my favorite treats in Tulum but the city felt different.  Somehow, more busy and less friendly!  I have a feeling that I might be through with Tulum??

Onward to Valladolid.  GREAT CHOICE!  Such a lovely little city.  Quiet, authentic, simple food and friendly people.  Oh, yes, the hammocks too!  Lots of hammock time here.

A few photo’s of the village life!  Tomorrow, I leave for one night in Cancun and then fly home the next day.

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