A Walk About With Larry

Larry Prochazka

Speaker and facilitator, international adventure traveler, a person engaged in living and being fully engaged in life. Varied and unusual life history including: wilderness leader, exploring natural healing, tractor driver, ranch sitter, corporate trainer, professional speaker, triathlete and trail runner, hiker, cook and baker, hammock lover and coffee master/barista. Life is to be lived and I've done my best to experience the variety of life. I love people, expanding my own experiences, growing and learning new things.

There you are Peter!

Years go by, most behaviors and attitudes become routine and automatic! Who a person is and who they have been talked into being are two very different things. Buried beneath automatic and memorized routine survives the “REAL” person. Hopes and dreams abandoned, the priority for many is to get through the day and survive until

There you are Peter! Read More »

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