A Walk About With Larry

Crash test dummy experience

Last night, I had a toss and turn night. Awake, mind racing, tired, hearing noises, too tired to sleep, thinking about details for my trip and such. I was basically feeling possessed and realized I was going through the travel “bends”. Like surfacing too quickly when diving, there’s a moment when the physical and emotional experiences explode out of sync. Knowing what was happening didn’t make it any easier, it made it manageable.

For the past few months, I’ve been reading Lonely Planet and browsing websites about the range of experiences possible here. Now, suddenly the story book has come alive and I’m in it!

When I finally surrendered to being awake and reflected on my experience so far, I realized I had slept only 9 hours out of 48, changed time zones to 15 hours ahead of normal, experienced dehydration via plane and airport and my body was simply out os sync with my experience. I’m hungry in the middle of the night, wanting to nap in the middle of the afternoon, never quite all here and waiting for all my molecules to catch up with me here.

So much for knowing I needed to start slow. I’ve been walking for four or five hours a day experiencing temples and mosques; street food and white coffee; trams and trains and light rail; hot humid weather and glorious fragrance of blooming plants. Between the exhilaration and exhaustion, something had to give.

I also forgot how tiring it can be speaking English on the road. Listening takes a lot of effort and even more so with the variety of English spoken here. In only three days, I’ve listened to the following: Malaysian English, Sri Lankan English, Wales English, Algerian English, Australian English, German English, Indian English, Chinese English….you get the picture. It’s all so different, it takes a lot of work to dial the ear to the particular accent and pace being used. Whew, that’s exhausting.

Thanks to my brother’s suggestion, I bought a new “used” iPod nano for the trip. Awake in the middle of the night, I plugged in my earbuds, found some relaxing meditational music and at least got another hour of rest.

As I woke and started moving about, I knew I was heading back to the acupuncturist.

A different doctor was in today, two of them actually. They did a different treatment today. When they placed the next to last one in my ankle, it felt like an electric bolt jumped out of the bottom of my right heel. They asked me to relax. How funny! Relaxing was grabbing me! Half an hour later, I slid off the table feeling completely better. Now, hours later, I feel the same way.

Think I’ll sleep very well tonight!

2 thoughts on “Crash test dummy experience”

  1. Sounds like too many emotions happening all at once! It’s hard for your body to catch up with your mind sometimes. But I think you’re on the right track, now! I’m enjoying your writings and once again I’m imagining all the places and people you are surround by.

    1. Much better today. Low keyed day, writing, good breakfast, less walking, money changed for trip to Rain Forest, feeling pretty human again. One of these days, sleeping will kick in to normal mode. Perhaps after the full day of travel and trekking tomorrow!

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