A Walk About With Larry

First day in Kuala Lumpur and balancing my energy

After getting tips this morning, I headed down the street toward China Town. It’s so different during the day than it is at night. On the way, I was looking for the Chinese Medicine pharmacy I was told about. They made sure to tell me to stay to the left side of the road or I wouldn’t even see it. I was on the left, reached the corner, didn’t see it so retraced my steps twice. Still didn’t see it???

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At the intersection, another cross road, I stopped and looked straight, right and left deciding which way to venture. Straight called me so I headed down into the heart of China town. Fewer merchants during the day, less crowded, more open, it felt like a completely different place than last night.

About half way through, I noticed an opening on my left and walked in that direction walking behind the street booths. And there, materializing before me, was the Chinese pharmacy. IMG 2826IMG 2814

The doctor was in, only one person was waiting in line so I sat. She asked me if I wanted to see the doctor and then did a diagnosis for me. Very interesting session basically reminding me that I needed more water (I knew I didn’t drink enough with all the airplane and airport time) and that my energy was low and needed balancing.
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Perfect way to begin my trip. I could feel the difference immediately.

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