A Walk About With Larry

Facilitation Insights

I was called a facilitator with a capital “F”….because I stayed out of the way, guided the process and didn’t interject a personal agenda!    I learned by jumping in!  I wasn’t ready…but I was patient, reflective and I learned.   I had an opportunity to facilitate heated topics, adversarial groups, some outstanding teams, groups who did NOT want an outsider there and high level military and high tech groups!! I knew little about their details but knew process would help them get results. 
So……..I trusted the process. 
Starting with a few basics, I grew from there.

TIP:  You have roughly 9 seconds to form a first impression with groups you work with!
That’s barely enough time for you to open your mouth!

I generally ignore advice and personality descriptions.

I'd rather go in fresh, form my own judgments and give everyone a break from the beginning.

Expectations set the tone!  I enter a room expecting to be present, listen and that collective, we will move toward an outcome!  I’m keenly aware that the work is theirs to do!

In daily life, focus on details causes you to lose vision.

With groups, I help them focus on the desired outcome and actions moving in that direction. They decide!

The primary barrier to creativity:  THINKING!  It is habitual and predictable and blinds the person to envisioning other novel possibilities.  Facilitating is about guiding people, minimizing criticism and pondering new possibilities.  

Bitching, blaming and being a victim are a waste!

Chosing what is in their power to achieve is enabling. They make the change!

The power is in the questions!  Anything you “tell”, you can “ask”.  And asking will always engage people more depending on the type of question you are using!

I’ll share pieces of the process that have worked for me.  Essentially, I assume people are people!  Be real.  Stay present.  Listen to them.  Respond to what is important to them NOW, in this moment.  Stay out of their drama and help them focus on solutions.  That’s a start!….

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