A Walk About With Larry

Creativity & the "Ah Ha" experience!

“It’s difficult to be creative by trying to be creative.  However, there are ways of thinking that cause you to see things differently.”  –John Cleese

What you will experience…. This is an engaging program!  You will engage in different ways of thinking that allow you to see things differently.  Learn to focus on solutions rather than problems!  Practice the fine art of “pondering”.  The solution to every problem is in front of your  nose!  Seeing it requires a shift of perspective.  With the activities included in this program, you will experience thinking differently!

The solution to every problem pre-exist.

Finding it requires asking the right question! –Jonas Salk

You don’t need to “learn” creativity!  Every child has it until logic and a need to be right kills it.  Simply stop the things you do that prevents it!  Imagine impossible!

Focus intently on the problem,

you will be unable to see the solution! They require different ways of seeing!

The solution to every problem is right in front of your nose!  Ask different questions to see things differently.  Practice “right to left” thinking!

Be patient in the process of not knowing. Don't rush a solution!!

Give solutions time to form and reveal themselves to you!

Ponder!  Creativity requires shifting perspective, seeing things from different angles, using your imagination to ponder possibilities!  Stop rushing!

I’ve explored creativity for over three decades.  When I worked with IBM, my first corporate client, I wanted to give them an experience that was different!  Participants were a bit shocked at first because they weren’t sitting, listening and reading slide after slide, but were engaged and experiencing!  Everyone has habits.  Many kill creativity before it begins.  Creativity dies in the shadow of criticism!  Suspend it!  Explore.  Play!  Look through the eyes of not knowing, not needing to be right, of having flexible thinking and an ability to see things from different perspectives.  Logic, analysis, evaluation and planning comes in AFTER the creative process.  It’s essential for you to put ideas into practice and make them useful.  Use logic too early, nothing creative will evolve!  This is a highly engaging, interactive, fun and beneficial program for all aspects of your life!

Projects:  I’ve facilitated creativity programs for Hewlett Packard Global Re-Engineering team, a division of Microsoft merging three silo’s, as a faculty member with the Police Executive Leadership Program at John’s Hopkins and with the FBI Executive Development Institute!  I’ve also facilitated programs for small non-profits, the Green SPA Network, educators….in essence…the process is applicable to whatever industry or work you are involved in.

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