A Walk About With Larry

Count On Me!

Credibility measure:  D.Y.D.W.Y.W.Y.W.D.?
Do You Do What You Say You Will Do?
You SHOW me whether or not you have credibility! 
Can I count on you?

I’ve learned that I’m a finder, a seeker.  I gather, find meaningful ideas and apply them!  With leadership I’ve found that it is mostly about presence, being a model for what you want in your culture and about who you really are!  Credibility is built and gained.  Knowing your “WHY”, your inner purpose, that keeps you aligned and on purpose!  Focusing on the things you can influence and letting go of everything else reduces stress and increases your influence!  Learning to ask great questions helps people discover their own solutions and empowers them to take action. Be genuine!  Be authentic!  Own what is yours.  Simple things always make the most profound impact!

If you are not disciplined in the pursuit of the essential.....

...you will be undisciplined in the pursuit of more!

Greg McKeown, "Essentialism"

If you aren’t clear on your priorities, someone else will set them for you!  Everything that shows up in your life is something you said “YES” to!  And yes, it is possible to live more balanced, energized, fulfilled and happy but only if you can learn to be “unconditional”.  

No time? If you don't have time for reflection....

...you are committing to repeating past habits and needing a crisis to get your attention.

First  you form your habits.  Then, your habits form you!  Behavior is generally habitual and reactionary.  And the most common motivator for change:   crisis!  Want to make changes….build in time for reflection and contemplation.  Get clear on what you are moving toward!

Words are a highly overrated form.... of communication!

St. Francis suggested: "Preach by all means available and, if necessary, even use words!"

What can I count on your for?  How do you show up?  How would you like to show up?  What is the inner purpose that aligns your life and inspires your actions.  Do you know?  Are you living beliefs that matter to you or ones you were talked into believing?

Lou Holtz talked about what made his teams at Notre Dame successful.  He said everyone wants to know, “Can I count on you?”  Are you going to do your job?  Will you be there?  The same is true for those in business.  What you do, how you do it, that affects everyone around you!  Woody Allen is quotes as saying “80% of success is just showing up”!  I realized EVERYONE shows up.  Their presence matters.  It contributes or diminishes!  It enriches and inspires or it’s heavy and draining.  It is never neutral!  So, how are you showing up?  How would you like to show up?  There are simple ideas and processes you can implement to help you stay aligned, have a positive and inspiring presence, and enrich not only your work place but every aspect of your life!

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