A Walk About With Larry

Travel backpack


As I was getting ready to unpack my pack, I thought of taking a photo of it first. But photo’s don’t communicate as much of a message so I made this video instead.

There are two packs I use. The REI is slightly smaller and has a full panel opening back for easy access to things inside. It’s great but small. My shoes take up most of the room. And for longer trip where the pack would be full, the shoulder straps and waist belt aren’t comfortable with weight.

For the second part of my trip when I headed to Kuala Lumpur, those are reasons I switched packs. The other issue is that the Deuter has such a great ventilation system. For the hot and muggy environment, it was great.

This photo is from a short trip I took several years ago to Chihuahua. I take less now!

Chihuahua Packing 2
Chihuahua Packing 13

For many years, I’ve used stuff sacks to organize my stuff. It makes dealing with clothing, shaving kit, socks, miscellaneous electronics, extra batteries, books, etc. so much easier to easier to deal with. And the pack stays organized.

Travel packing Thailand 19
So much simpler than piling everything into one backpack space!

Early, I learned the most common travel advice: “Organize everything you think you need to take with you. Then, put half of it back and stick the rest in your backpack.” So true!

I have conversations with “LivingRoom Larry” and “Travel Larry” reminding my home self what I really need from my travel self. It helps immensely yet I always seem to have things I don’t really need. Next time, it will be leaner than ever!

Travel Unpacking Malaysia 6
Electronics mess things up!

For years, I traveled with NOTHING electronic! Then I added a camera so needed extra batteries, camera memory card, battery charger and so forth. If I didn’t ever write for my blog or edit photo’s, I could lighten my load immensely. However, I wouldn’t enjoy it as much.

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Screen shot of one photo library

Above is a screen shot of one library from my trip. It’s nearly 47 GB, around 7,000 photo’s. If I didn’t have my laptop, I would have a whole lot more work once home editing all those photo’s! As it is, I go through quickly, select ones that stand out to me. Edit them slightly. And then export them for use with my blog.

On to the the pack video! This is what I take, the Deuter backpack and the Mountain Smith Day lumbar pack. Perfect combination for me!


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