A Walk About With Larry

Tea Country, Munnar in Kerala, India


Remarkably, I have fast Wifi here at my homestay! Lovely! I splurged here at the recommendation of a friend. It’s double the cost of my private room at the beach. However, that splurge is costing me about just under $17 a night. Breakfast isn’t included. I found a local vegetarian India restaurant this morning where I had breakfast for $1.20. And, they had good coffee!

I did a quick check on finances. Quick so this is a rough estimate. It looks like Sri Lanka cost me around $900. Since leaving for Guatemala and Mexico the end of September, I’ve spent under $5,000 not including flights. Mexico was under $400 for flights. Coming over here has been more expensive with the trip to Raja Ampat and then on to Sri Lanka. Even with that, all flights are under $2,000.

If you were ever curious about my travel costs, that gives you a clue. And I’m definitely splurging compared to past trips!

Yesterday, after a VERY long 11 hour travel day, I arrived here in Munnar. Transport was slow. A bus broke down. We sat by the side of the road waiting for the right bus to come along. However, we were sitting by a food stand so had coconut water, coffee, snacks and home made chocolate. Not a bad break sitting there with the driver, ticket taker and another friendly man.

Many people I met raved about this country. It’s higher so naturally cooler and less humid. In the mountains, there is more hiking and wildlife. And it’s tea country so visits to tea plantations are readily available.

Today, I went to the “Tea Museum” and bought some premium quality green tea! Awesome taste and it takes only a pinch to make a cup of tea. They also told me not to throw away the leaves as they are good for three cups!

Tomorrow, I’m taking an all day tour of the area. We are off from 9:00 until 5:00 and visiting multiple area of interest here including another tea plantation. It should be an interesting day!

Tonight, it’s been research on any other spots of Kerala I’d like to visit while I have time. Around two weeks from now, I’m off to Myanmar but have a flexible departure date. Stay tuned and I’ll fill you in as I know!

Some photo’s from today. A couple of Fiat photo’s for my car buff friends. And photo’s of men building a rock wall with them transporting rocks on their head. If you ever feel about complaining about your job again, look at this photo!

Also notice the signs for hotel! It’s a restaurant…there is no “hotel” as we know it. It’s a food stop!

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