A Walk About With Larry


From Raja Ampat…months ago!

Been feeling a bit stuck in making travel plans. Nothing felt right or would come together. After walking a lot yesterday and then watching a huge variety of birds at sunset on the tree lined ridge, I had an idea!

What I really wanted to experience next is more nature! I searched for information on places to see in Northern India and came across several National Parks in the state of Wayanad. And, closer to the coast, I found a bird sanctuary. Looked good and felt great!

This morning walking to breakfast, I stopped by the bus station and they do have a direct bus to Kalpetta, the city I need to go to. Only catch…the bus leaves at 3:30 in the afternoon and takes 10 hours. No worries!

After breakfast, I went to the visitor center where the day tour begins. After paying my fee, I was looking at a big map of Northern Kerala to get my bearings. One older woman living in Copenhagen finished registering and came to look at the map over my shoulder. She pointed to a place she had just come from and loved. One guess where she pointed!!!

Now, I have a name of her favorite guest house there!

The tour left with four of us. The woman from Copenhagen, a man from Italy living in Barcelona and a woman from Buenos Aires. Off we went. It was a great day traveling through the countryside and taking breaks to see different sights.

At one point, the driver stopped the van and pointed to a group of houses across the valley. They are a tribe who make their living collecting naturally growing traditional Ayurvedic herb and making products form they that sell in the city. I asked a couple question and learned about the importance of Ayurvedic medicine in Munnar as well as the fact that one of the oldest clinics was still operating there.

After lunch, he drove us by the clinic and gave me time to pick up some information. They had time, the tour was going to places I had already visited, so I decided to have a massage right then.

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When I walked back in, I met the doctor who is third generation of the family running the place. As soon as we started talking about their work, I had chills run over my body! I mentioned it to him and he said it was because it was my destiny to find them today. My energy was already aligning with the treatment.

This was an amazing session and my body felt very different after it! Aligned, aches gone, more relaxed and energetic! Awesome!

The doctor told me that sometimes, people find them who simply don’t have energy they can work with so they don’t take them. Other times, people show up who are very open hearted and aligned and they do whatever they can do to get them in!

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After, he gave me a lift on the back of his motor cycle to their store where they provide products for the public. I could feel the energy vibrating in their store! This is the type of experience I had intended when I decided to have an Ayurvedic experience!

As we said our goodbyes, he told me he was my personal hose in Kerala and to call if I needed anything!

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So different from the other massage I had! Profound really! And it leaves me smiling at the simplicity of how the Universe always creates alignment with what we need.

If you have read “The Alchemist”, this will be familiar to you. There is a quote in there that I’m writing from memory going something to this effect: “The entire Universe conspires to help make your dreams come true”!


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