A Walk About With Larry

What do you want to “Birth” in 2012?

Welcome to 2012! As this new year begins, I’m reflecting on what I appreciate from my life in the past year and what I’d like to birth more of in the coming year. Several years ago, a friend talked with me about “birthing” energy, the energy present around the time of birth. She recommended using that rich time to get clear on what I wanted to birth into my next year. I feel the same energy around the first of the year, the “birthing” of a new year.

Foundation: for me, the foundation of birthing is to come from a place of fulfillment rather than a place of lack. My life works! There are so many amazing things, people, moments, comforts and experiences that enrich my life already. I spend time reflecting on what I appreciate and am grateful for before launching into a “birthing” process.

I attempt to start each day with this process as well. Talking with a dear friend years ago, she spoke of “walking in Thanking”, living each day in the energy of thankfulness and gratitude rather than focusing mostly (or exclusively) on what is lacking or not working. Each day, I begin by thanking Spirit for another day. And the list of things I can be grateful for flows from there. My home has warmth, running water, instant hot water, clothing and food which would be AMAZING to much of the world! WOW!

Ten years ago, I was crossing the border of Belize into Guatemala with my backpack. As I got off the bus, I was accosted by a pack of touts selling transport, wanting to change money, offering tours, etc. I noticed one young man who stood out from the rest of the crowd. He was offering shoe shines and carried a wooden box with supplies over his shoulder. Watching him walk across the parking lot, I noticed he had no shoes. Ironic I thought yet industrious!

Shoe Shine Boy No Shoes

The Risk: The risk of not starting with appreciation is coming from a place of lack. Feeling insufficient, unfortunate, lacking, mistreated, unworthy and so forth attracts like energy. Like a person who suffers from a sinus infection is unaware of all the parts of their body and life that are working, coming from lack ignores all the moments in life, health, relationship, magic and joy that are working. It’s a much stronger position to birth from when you can identify what you have to appreciate and building from there.

Want what you desire, not what you’ve been talked into wanting: When I was offering in-service workshops for school’s across the US, I read “The Winning Family” for a different perspective. Two things in that books struck me. First, the notion that “first you form your beliefs and then your beliefs form you”. If they are positive, expansive and nourishing beliefs, that’s good. If they are limiting, negative, restrictive and based on struggle, they are not valuable or useful to maintain. The question this offers is what do you want rather than what have you been talked into wanting? There is a huge difference!

So, what do you want, desire of intend to experience or have more of this year? There are a couple “tricks” I use to get clear. First, I want to suspend thinking and rational analysis. You know rational analysis kicks in when you start criticizing ideas regarding how realistic they are. That’s when your “beliefs” kick in and limit or expand your possibilities. Who cares how realistic ideas are? Most of the fun is in imagining which opens space for new things to show up. A trick I use is the “wouldn’t it be nice if” question. I learned this from the Abraham material and it is a wonderful aid for imagining possibilities. Simply imaging something you’d like to experience more of and ask “Wouldn’t it be nice if…….”? Then feel that that would be like to experience. That’s the second trick actually, feeling. The more you feel what something would be like rather than limit yourself to thinking, the more energized your intention will be.

Who’s driving the bus? Jim Collins uses the analogy in his leadership work of getting the right people on the bus. When I read that, I leapt from the bus to the driver. Who’s driving the bus and where is it headed? The bus is your life! Are you driving it? Are you clear where you are headed and what you intend? Are you coasting along on a route someone else planned for you? Where are you headed? Will you be satisfied and fulfilled if you wind up where you are headed? You are giving your life to your current choices, activities and direction. Is is worth it?

If your life is nourishing and working for you, magnificent! If not, what adjustments would you like to make? It takes time, presence, patience, consciousness awareness, support and more patience to clarify the process of your life. The rewards of a meaningful life are so worth it!

Nourishing and stimulating the process: Life has a way of numbing people down. The grind of daily activity tends to pull people back into a life routine. Intentions either pull you up and enrich your life or vanish as life activity bogs you down. Which will it be for you?

I look for nourishing and stimulating reminders to help me persist. Below are a few links to recent inspirations that have helped and inspired me.

Years ago I read a quote about dying. The essence of the quote was that the tragedy of life isn’t reaching the point of death and realizing death is approaching, it’s reaching the point of death and realizing you haven’t begun living year. YIKES! That struck a cord with me! Yesterday, I read a link provided at Grumo on “Top 5 regrets people make on their death beds”. Bonnie Ware, the author, has worked for years with people who are sent home to die. Check out what she has discovered here: Top 5 Regrets People Make On Their Deathbed.

One article I sent out months ago continues to haunt and encourage me. It won’t leave me alone and continues to resurface in my thinking. David Whyte wrote a story about “10 Questions That Have No Right To Go Away.” The one that keeps coming back is the question about exhaustion and “wholeheartedness”. 10 Questions That Have No Right To Go Away.

Sit, dream, write, feel, imagine, enjoy the process and have a great 2012!

1 thought on “What do you want to “Birth” in 2012?”

  1. What a gift to share your musings as a new year is birthed. The antidote to exhaustion may not be rest, but wholeheartedness? Wow. I see myself in that truth, among others. Thank you!

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