A Walk About With Larry

Living to die or dying to live? The adventure….


When I stop and consider all the things in my life I love, travel rises toward the top of the list.  There are many reasons for this and chief among them is that I feel so alive when traveling.  Everything is new.  There are no routines.  Being present fully with what is, the experience is constantly evolving and nourishing.  The primary skill of traveling with a sense of ease and flow is LISTENING.  And because everything is new, my senses fully experience everything around me as if for the first time.

When I travel, my life expands!  I met few strangers and connect with everyone.  I cherish the intimate and authentic connection that forms quickly with people.  No one is “too busy”.  There is a natural “kinship” that evolves when sharing life together.  And as one friend I met from South Africa suggested, “everyone is looking for something.”  They might be looking for adventure, clarity in their life, new experience, a renewed relationship with themselves, a break from the life back home or whatever.

I began this blog to connect with family and friends.  My parents were both in their 80’s when I began.  They had a new computer at home and could travel with me electronically.  So I jumped in and began sharing my experiences.  Soon, a world family evolved.  I get notes now from all over the world from my travel family.  Richard Back, author of “Illusions” wrote, “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”  I feel that each time I hear from a  member of my travel family.

So here, on these posts, I’ll share my adventures.  Some require travel in the outside world.  Some require travel inward to the wilderness within.  Join me!

1 thought on “Living to die or dying to live? The adventure….”

  1. Larry. I haven’t been on your blog for a very long time. I’m lying here, not really wanting to get up, so… I listened to Alice. Tears are flowing. Such a beautiful spirit
    Thank you. God bless

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