Day…??? Hard to believe I’ve only been traveling a few days! WOW!
First, little to no jet lag. In flight, I used the homeopathic “no-jetlag”. If that is new for you, check it out:Â
Second, I drank plenty of water and took some Emergen-C in flight. And, I stayed a wake. Not for the entire 27 hours! But, once I left Tokyo for Kuala Lumpur, a flight of roughly 7 hours, when I was really tired bu switching time cycles, I stayed awake. Switching time cycles: it was morning in Colorado but night time in Kuala Lumpur.
And, I’ve slept through the night pretty much since arriving. I am certain that the acupuncture combined with herbs has helped as well.
Now, I’ve walked China Town, eaten at several favorite Indian Restaurants, traveled on the MRT metro several times including two visits to the Indonesian Embassy yesterday!
I didn’t have the time or focus to plan when I was home, so didn’t. The energy was off and I felt like I was forcing it to happen. So I stopped.
Generally, I planned to decompress from travel in Kuala Lumpur and adjust to the 15 hour time change. Then, explore possibilities of: Bali; Raja Ampat; Sarawak, Borneo; Philippines; Western Sumatra; Sri Lanka and areas of Northern Malaysia. And suddenly, without much effort, things are falling into place!
The first morning here, I met Jaycee who is from the Philippines and offered me great travel tips and suggestions. Then my friend Gregory had offered suggestions which overlap with hers. Then I met Jeff and the same thing happened. Now, I’m clear on what it will take to organize and plan the next two segments of my trip! Awesome!
Yesterday, returning from my second trip to the Indonesian Embassy, I made a stop at the Pavilion which is a huge shopping area here. AMAZING how much expensive retail there is here! And, one of the rare time this has happened, I found a Krispy Kreme donut shop and did not buy one! I know, shocking!
Here’s what greeted me at the entrance, in hot and humid Kuala Lumpur!
Christmas music and theme throughout! Here is a view from inside with kids happy and smiling everywhere!
That Christmas tree is completely formed of Mickey Mouse characters!
A couple photo’s:
Next up…second acupuncture session. Tomorrow morning I’m taking the “train” to the bus and traveling to Malacca on the coast for a couple days. Monday morning early, I fly off to Bali. I’m spending a couple days there working and relaxing before staying with my family and visiting the healers.
Schedules: I hate schedule structure and routine. Schedules, part 2: some parts of travel REQUIRE schedules so I’m working on that before I leave Monday. Jeff let me know that if I don’t have a ticket for a flight out of the Philippines, they won’t let me on the plane!
So for upcoming travel to Raja Ampat and the Philippines, I’ll be doing a lot more booking ahead than I have ever done. Well, another new travel experience a waits me!