A Walk About With Larry

In the middle of no where….

Yesterday, I was involved in an accident. Fortunately, it was a very minor thing but it was still a bit shattering emotionally. I believe everything happens for a reason. Listening on my recent trip, moving when I felt inspired worked perfectly and all sorts of magic occurred.

Yesterday, I looked at a box I put together several weeks ago to mail to a friend. It’s been sitting there as I took off to Kansas to see my parents, came back to yard work, and got busy with other things. Yesterday, it screamed at me, “Today! Take me to the Post Office!” I obliged by going through to make sure everything was in there, typing up a note to put with it, and writing out a mailing label.

Putting in a note is important to me. Occasionally I get a package from a friend that doesn’t include anything personal. That’s always felt weird to me, sort of like getting a printed Christmas Card inside a printed envelope with a printed brief message and a printed photo. Those cards feel like a formality, “Do the Christmas card thing: check” rather than an attempt for any sort of personal interaction.

Occasionally, i get I packet from a client including a personalized note. That note took seconds to write but those notes always carry deeper meaning than what was sent!

So I took the time to write a note and say hello, taped up the package and headed to the Post Office. One block form my home, I stopped at the stop sign. Looking both ways and seeing a clear path, I started across the intersection only to look up and see a motor cycle right in front of me!!! I stopped but we still had a slight collision! I was dumbfounded by the fact that I had clearly looked right and seen NOTHING coming my way! How could that be possible???

Then again, if everything happens for a reason, there is a reason this happened at the exact moment and circumstance it did. I was emotionally shocked and then had to deal with the adrenaline rush following any trauma. Fortunately, the motorcycle driver was fine, her bike had a dent in the cargo box and the plexiglass shield broke when the bike fell over.

Moving to the side of the road and out of traffic, I heard her say, “I’ll die on this thing one day”. WOW, I was surprised. There is a power to the words we speak! Once the adrenaline rush wore off and emergency staff arrived, we got all the accident details worked out, I wondered if I cooperated in this accident because it could be gentle? There is a power to words and life shows up in relation to our expectations! I’ve known that as an athlete, I’ve known that as a speaker, and I’ve learned to be very aware of the words I speak and the thoughts that accompany them as they form my life.

What we speak and think becomes self-fulfilling. Only experiences and events in alignment with where we are can show up in our lives. We don’t even notice anything else. Focusing on the possible, dreaming the impossible, finding the positive in every moment, noticing the things in life to be grateful for and to appreciate, those choices all create a positive vibration in life. Focusing on what’s wrong, what’s hurting, what there is to worry about, what’s wrong in the world, all those thoughts create a vibration as well.

Both vibrations attract what shows up in our lives! Remember the often referred to quote from “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right’. Or the following play on words.

“You can find yourself in the middle of no where.


In the middle of no where, you can find yourself!”

Pay attention to what you pay attention to! Notice the words that come out of your mouth. What story are you telling? What vibration are you bringing into your life with that story? What story do you want to be telling?

My friend Jill forwarded a video to me from YouTube about “The Power of Words”. I’m posting it here for your enjoyment:

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