A Walk About With Larry

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Bangkok Final Day

The phone rang a little after 5:00.  I believe it was the minivan driver here to gather me for the bus to the airport.  By the time I got to the phone, it stopped ringing.  I don’t leave until tomorrow morning!  So, will the minivan be here or not?  That’s the question!  I double checked with the agent who called the company and they assured her everything is OK.  That doesn’t necessarily mean a lot so I’m practicing my segment intending again.  It will be a perfect flow getting to the airport and onto my first flight.

Last morning here so I was back to my favorite coffee shop for breakfast.  Lovely moka and chocolate banana pancakes.  What do you think about the pancakes?


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I walked through the Wat on the way and immediately upon entering, left the noise and chaos behind.  Surrounded by stillness and the singing of morning birds, my gait slowed and I entered a walking meditation state.  How lovely!

On the other side, this is the world I entered.

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Hanging a left, walking 100 meters and there was Ricki’s.

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This is the site of my chocolate banana pancake and moka latte.  Yum!

On the way back, I decided to walk through the Wat again.  This time, I entered the temple and was treated to an hour of chanting and prayer by the monks there and a gathering there for services.  How lovely!  The feeling of the room vibrating is with me still!

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I stumbled upon a coffee shop wandering along the river before visiting the Wat.  It looked really good but I was too full to enjoy it.  After some afternoon exploring and my changing plans because the heat was so intense, I went into the cooled space fragrant with the scent of coffee.  Reading, sipping a great coffee, cooling off, what a perfect way to spend part of my last afternoon in Bangkok!

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Across the street is a traditional Thai coffee maker with a creative little cart.

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Cooling off in the pool, going back for one final massage, good dinner at Roti Mataba and a final stroll along Khoasan Road.  Now, packed, I’m charging up my everything for the 30 plus hours of travel back to Colorado.

I feel like I’m entering my time machine.  There is a 14 hour time change from here.  I leave the morning of March 16th and get home the evening of March 16th.  Time zones, dramatically different experiences, hours of sitting, lots of hydrating, three different airlines, customs and immigration and the chauffeuring of friends and I’ll be home.

I’m happy and sad to be leaving.  And I feel like I’ve been gone for a year or more.  What a lovely experience, amazing new friends, balance of adventuring and relaxing and lots of healing time.  It’s time and I’m heading back with the feeling of going back to a different life and energy.


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