Tomorrow morning, I leave on adventure.
Well…that obviously didn’t work well. This message got stuck in draft form. Now, I am in Chiapas…follow the journey with me.
I never know for sure when one will happen. I have a list of possibilities. Generally, an idea will swoop in, out of the blue. Once I tumble it around, it either clarifies or disappears.
This trip launched in that manner. After hearing the name “Oaxaca” five times in only a few days, I paused to consider it. I’ve been there, once, years ago. And as I pondered it, I realized it is home of one of the best celebrations in Mexico for Dia de los Muertos.
Since mom and dad and several other friends have recently “graduated” to the next life, I felt like this would be a great place to go. However, reservations are recommended six months to a year in advance. I had only a couple months noticen I looked, I found a hostel a block or two from the Zocolo (town central plaza essentially) for about $10 a night in a private room. I booked it for the week knowing I could always cancel.
I didn’t cancel as things coalesced and grew. Tomorrow night, I’ll be in Mexico City. The next evening, I’ll be at the Zocolo in San Cristobal de las Casas in the state of Chiapas (next state to Guatemala in SE Mexico).
Awesome! Things flow! I listen. I feel for what feels light and easy and flowing. Stuff happens. And an amazing long list of details is finally complete enabling me to leave in peace tomorrow morning and jump into the world of travel.
Happily, I’ll miss election season and Christmas holidays. I love the holidays but just not the stress filled US version. Anyone sho has spent Christmas in another country understands. For me, I’ve done that in Belize, Mexico, Thailand, Sumatra, Borneo, Vietnam and Bali. Maybe more. What I love: peaceful, presence with each other. Real connection! Loving warmth. Yay!
So stay tuned! If you have any questions about my travels, places I’m visiting, food, etc, let me know. I’m playing with a couple new programs so hopefully, this posting will automatically go out to people on the subscription list. And I’m hoping it will go to Facebook. I’ll be playing.
Another adventure beckons! New friends and experiences await. I’m finally feeling jazzed for the opportunity!
With my friend Wayan in Bali last year!