At some point in the night, I woke slightly with my mind running through some of the things I would be facing in the next couple days. Moving from A One Inn to the Rambuttri area and how best to accomplish that. Finishing my flight booking to Bali and back to Singapore. Where to stay, how long to stay, all normal thoughts of an overactive mind. That’s what the mind does, especially in the USA.
Dismissing it until it would be useful, I dropped back to sleep. Up early, I walked out on the second floor veranda to get a glimpse at the day. Even at 6:00 am, it was warm and muggy. The screeching noise heard occasionally during the night came from next door. Gazing down at rows and rows or neatly cut ice blocks, I saw the results of the screech. An ice business distributes tons of ice starting early. The piles observed at 6:00 were mostly gone by 8:00.
I went down for breakfast, some nourishment and time to reflect on a plan and was the only one there. The coffee was once again, excellent and I had to pace myself to avoid giving myself jitters. I visited with a few guests (David from Alberta and Caroline from Germany pronounced “care o lean ah”), showered and headed up the street to Blue Smile Travel. They were very helpful and reminded me once more that travel agencies take a cut. The discounted ticket I found on the web was $50 more there. However, they pointed me in the right direction.
Returning to A One Inn, I realized what time it was in Kansas and called my parents on their land line. It was great talking to them and they both sounded good. Then I called my friend Sylvia to surprise her and it was great talking to her as well.
Showered, packed and I looked up Air Asia office locations in Bangkok. Fortunately, there is one at the West end of Khao San Road. Packed, I decided it would be more fun to carry my pack to the canal even though the taxi parked in front of my hotel would be direct, air conditioned and comfortable. Far more expensive, I opted for the journey. The canal boat costs 10 Baht depositing me at the end of the road and near old city. Negotiating with a Tuk Tuk driver for the 6 minute ride was fun. The first driver wouldn’t budge! A man came and asked me where I was going and then proceeded to negotiate for me. The price dropped form 70 to 50 Baht, in tossed in my backpacks and was off. A taxi would have charged me around $300 Baht or more from the Inn. Canal boat ride and Tuk Tuk shuttle combined for $60 Baht or $2.00 US dollars.
Travel and negotiation go hand in hand. It’s a familiar feeling causing me to feel like travel mode was once again accessed and I am into this trip only three days into it. Checked into Rambuttri Village, I wandered out before the day got too hot, found the Air Asia office, wandered on to find a Roti spot for lunch and was back taking a nap during the heat of the afternoon. The pool was great!!! I spent an hour there reading and dipping. Having no appointments today makes flowing even more simple. My laundry is even being done as I write this for $60 Baht.
I’m on my way back to Air Asia with more information. I probably won’t need to get a visa extension since I’ll only be one day over the 30 days allowed but will have to pay a $20 per day fine which is the same as a cost of visa extension.
SCREECHING HALT….the flexible traveler ran into a glitch at Air Asia. Prices have changed in the past couple hours. As she read options and higher costs, I tuned inside to the feeling of “lack of flow” and the effort coming into play to make something happen. FORCING is never good in travel situations (life situations as well). Deep breath, regroup, listen for the ease and flow and tickets were suddenly flowing together. I’m overnighting in Singapore to avoid what became a very expensive ticket change (not to mention a required taxi ride at 4:30 am to get to the airport), waiting 5 hours in Singapore, etc, etc.
Flow emerged, plans simplified, it feels right, I don’t have to be on a taxi at 4:30 am, will spend one night in Singapore on the way to Bali, will not have to pay penalties for one day extra in Indonesia, get to pass go and feel at peace with the plan that unfolded. Ahhhh….
It’s Saturday night here and I’ll be taking in the zaniness of Khao San Road and all the crazied young backpackers. On the way back from Air Asia, I found a wonderful street vendor making Pud Thai and had some for dinner course #1, it cost $1.25 with fresh spring roll. That brings my dining total today to 100 Baht, about $3.25 US. One hour of WiFi time will cost half that much.
Your reading this means….I found WiFi. Boy did I find WiFi at a wonderful and air conditioned place called “Coffee and More”. Yes, I’ve already met the barista’s and may come back to help them with their latte art pouring. I walked right by this place, tucked back off the street in a wooded area, three times before accidentally noticing the sign. I’m having a choco banana milk and sweetened condensed milk blended delight! It cost as much as both meals today and it a wonderful treat.
