Last night, I attempted to book a ticket with Air Asia for my flight on to Borneo. On the way back from the Temple of the Reclining Buddha and the Chocolate Botique, I got off the bus in front of Air Asia offices near here.

After printing a copy of my return flight information, she did some checking on flights to Borneo. It felt rushed as they were closing in 4 minutes so I decided I’d book my own flight via internet.
Flights are more expensive now with last minute booking but still amazingly cheap compared to the US. Accidentally, I entered January 30 as a travel date and ticket prices were $125 MYR (about $40). Correcting the date, the price jumped to $424 before adding baggage fee, courtesy fee for using charge care, etc. All totaled, it was just under $500 MYR (about $166). Curious, I checked Malaysia Airlines and found their tickets over $3,000 MYR (approximately YIKES).
Finding the connection that worked around getting my Indonesian Visa, I completed details and clicked the payment button. REJECTED! Repeating the process using a different card and clicking the payment button and once again “REJECTED’ appeared.
Six more times at different hours with three different cards and nothing worked. Suddenly I realized I was so intent on making this happen, I hadn’t realized it simply wasn’t happening! So, I stopped!
Force versus flow, which dominates the activities of one’s life? In the US, an intent competitive country, I’ve worked with companies and leaders who were very focused on making things happen. And they were successful, what they wanted manifested to some degree or another. But at what cost?
Lunch spot today near Spice Garden, notice the proper muslim swim attire in the second photo:
One company described their brainstorming sessions as a “Blood Bath”! Their climate was one of “don’t open you mouth if your are not prepared to be beaten, challenges and put through the ringer and can fight for your idea”! That’s not brainstorming, it’s some form of mental Gladiator! The cost: collateral damage and body count.
Innovation takes inspiration, patience, exploration and space to evolve. No fresh ideas result form a blood bath and people leave the room beaten and thrashed. Next time, they don’t come back full and whole but defensive and cautious.
Leaders I’ve worked with have done the same. Last summer I talked with a leader about his organization and why people don’t have high standards, why they don’t aspire to excellence more often. As our conversation continued, I realized the answer was right in front of his nose. He was a perfectionist thrashing and berating every little mistake, often publicly!
Excellence and high standards are inspired, not demanded. He couldn’t see that and demanded perfection which never happens, is impossible and eventually drives talent away. Inspiration happens from modeling, nurturing, helping people maintain a positive vision and helping them learn from mistakes so they are better next time.
Back to my moment here NOW! In a few minutes, I’ll head to the Air Asia to get a ticket before going to the Indonesia Embassy. Clearer this morning, I’m going to listen for which option feels like the path of least resistance. Where is the flow? Which option is most effortless?
Every single time on my trip when I’ve needed something, it has shown up! Poof, there it is in my face without any effort or forcing on my part. My role has to been to be clear on what I want or need in this moment. Travel information, hotel recommendation, information on what bus to take, confused about whether or not I’m on the right bus and an English speaking passenger gets on at the next stop and makes things clear, a confused bud driver telling me this bus doesn’t go where I want to go and I persist suddenly finding the one word he knows thus turning him into another “angel” helping me get where I need to go. That is the flow I know is present every moment in life.
How about you? Where are you aware of flow and ease guiding your life? What happens when you lose it? How do you operate from there more consistently? From that place, life is good! Struggle means life is helping you correct your course and adjust a little bit. Listen!

Once again reminded, more aware of the feeling of ease that accompanies flow, I’ll be off in a few moments for the morning travel arrangements, flights to book, embassy officials to work with, politics to sort through and then, I’ll visit the beach for the first time this trip.
UPDATE: I wrote the message above this morning around 8:00. I went to the Air Asia office expecting to have the flight and assistance add extra costs to my ticket since I was unable to book my own last night. I was wrong! It was nearly 70 MYR less (over $20 US or three nights lodging) and was done in about 10 minutes. The only itinerary I really needed was the one I stopped and asked them to print last night.
I caught the local bus #101 North toward the Indonesian Embassy. While taking a number and preparing to sit in a room already overflowing with people, a voice asked, “Sir, may I help you?” I had my visa application complete and was out the door in ten minutes. I go back to pick it up tomorrow.
Leaving the Indonesian Embassy and on the road, I made a spontaneous decision to head on North and explore the area. Uncertain of where I wanted to get off, I listened and waited until I saw an interesting looking place ahead. Yesterday, I spent a couple hours wandering about a mall here looking for some supplies including an interesting bar of soap. I didn’t want any of the HARSH stuff sold in supermarkets but was unable to find anything interesting. I stepped off the bus and ahead of me was a “Spice Garden”, guess what they had?! Amazing how this works every day. I now have several bars of ginger and clove soaps made with natural materials and essential oils!
Also a few new friends! I found two coffee places today, had wonderful espresso and cappuccino and wasn’t allowed to pay. I guess it was fair exchange for offering a little training. Imported beans, great machine and very passionate and inspired barista.
Nice afternoon relaxing on the beach reading and sipping lemon juice. My Chinese appointment was great. They found a viral infection, gave me herbs for three days and needled my knee and stomach meridians. The place is about a 3 minute walk from here with great people. I had a doctor with three students studying acupuncture who had a great sense of humor, lots of laughing.
My friend Jose arrived today and may force me back to the Chocolate Boutique tomorrow. I guess the responsibility of friendship will force me back to sample more chocolate. GOOD NEWS too, I noticed when the bus went by that there are TWO chocolate places near each other. YUM!

Congratulations on the coffee finds! I’m also waiting to hear how the tumeric root worked.
Have a great day!