A Walk About With Larry

Stay present, pay attention! Travel with ease.

Image result for image of kuala lumpur airport air asia passenger check in free

I’m up early.  Sleeping well and sleeping less since the acupuncture treatments.  I’m going to have breakfast as soon as it opens and then head for the train to Batu Caves.  Later in the day, it gets really hot out there.

I’m already making a compromise in my travel preference for the trip.  I’m going to wear SHOES!  Yuck!  But with all the walking, it’s a worthy compromise.

The ideas popped in to see if I can check in for my flight tomorrow early.  In the US, it would be too early.  I checked and it is possible.

With a membership with AirAsia, it is a pretty simple process.  My information is already my account so it pre-fills page by page.  On the travel document page, my passport information with number and expiration filled in.  I was nearly clicking the finish bottom when that nagging sense of something being off popped up!

Image result for google image of passport

Once before with AirAsia as I traveled through Bangkok, I nearly didn’t get on the plane because I had booked a ticket for Larry when my passport is clearly issued to Lawrence!  That was a big deal.  Fortunately, I had my Colorado driver license and my international driver license handy, both with current photo’s of me.  After a long hassle, they let me on the plane.

I checked my passport and sure enough, it had my old number on there.  Whew!  So happy I listened and caught that.

Now, it’ll be smooth flowing through the airport tomorrow!

Now, off to Batu Caves!  If you would like see what lies ahead, check this out:




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