A Walk About With Larry

Padang Bali travel and beach

A lovely drive from Ubud to Padang Bai yesterday!  Traffic wasn’t bad and I didn’t get off on the wrong road this time!  There is so much to see on the side of the road passing temples, stone work, wood work, colorful rice fields, statues over the road and lovely forest.  If I stopped for every image that begged for a photo, I’d still be on my motorbike!

About midway, a wedding ceremony was proceeding toward me along the edge of the road.  The bride and groom smiled and waved at me as I gave them a thumbs up on their ceremony.

    Here in Padang Bai, I’m staying right smack in the village.  It’s noisy compared to the forest area of Blu Mango but everywhere would be.  I’m staying right across the entrance of the temple.  People are there 24×7 offering prayers for the healing of Mt. Agung.  That’s a very nice noise to be part of, healing energy!

    I had fresh chumi chumi for lunch yesterday, calamari, at Kerti’s overlooking the beach and ocean.  Great breeze cooling me for lunch!

    I found White Sand Beach for a few hours of relaxing late afternoon when it cooled.  Soon, I’m heading to Blue Lagoon Beach to read and be still today.

    And as I wrapped this up, the internet slowed and stopped.  Suspended I introduced myself to a couple sitting near their room across from me.  They have been bicycling around the world…for 9 years!  For the first 6 1/2 years, they lived on $30 US per day with their two small boys.  Then their boys left and they either had to go home of find some way to make money on the road.  They learned to make bracelets.  When they are slow, they make stock.  Last summer, they went to Crete for 7 weeks, parked their bicycles, put out a sign and sold bracelets.  Cool!  How many different ways to make life work when you are clear about your intent!

    More interesting stories in there for sure!

    Internet connection was nonexistent last night so, when I have a connection, I’ll update.


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