A Walk About With Larry

One more night and the “hive” is buzzing

There’s a crab apple tree out front of the duplex back in Colorado. When it blooms, it’s really glorious! It’s fragile, the bloom doesn’t last long, the fragrance fills the air and the color is stunning. My favorite part is sticking my nose up into the tree and listening to the bees buzz. Ripe blossoms bring them in by the droves. Putting my head up into the blossoms, it’s surrounded by the buzzing of all the bees. Amazing!

Tonight, I experienced the same thing but in a human sense. I went to Little India for a light dinner and then walked into Mustafa’s for a bit of shopping. It was very bizarre shopping in Mustafa’s tonight. First, I wasn’t allowed to enter the building and didn’t understand why? The female guard pointed across the street. Mustafa’s is six stories and two city blocks in size, a huge place.
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Across the street, having my bag “locked” by security, I was then allowed to enter the building. A short distance from the entrance is an escalator that goes up to the next floor and a walkway back into the building I was not allowed entry into. It was PACKED by Indian shoppers who are apparently much more adapted to packed shopping conditions than I am. I’ve never experienced it so crowded. Once finished, I headed outside to the money changers as I was out of Singapore dollars. At the exit, the one I was denied entry into, I learned that they couldn’t allow more shoppers in as it has surpassed the total number of shoppers allowed. I’d guess at least double that amount were inside, probably triple or more.

Little India Buzz 3 So focused was I on the money changers, I hadn’t noticed the crowd in the street. Once I finished changing dollars, I turned and looked down a street that was SOLID people as far as I could see. Most of the crowd was men and all were engaged in small or large groups. The buzz was astounding so of course I had to go walk amongst it! It really was an amazing feeling, all those conversations taking place around me, the street so packed I had to literally shoulder my way through. And this went on for blocks and blocks. Yes, there were thousands out there.

It felt like I had my head in the tree of buzzing bees, minus the lovely fragrance of course.

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