Best word to describe the experience here? WOW! Probably double WOW!
I had plans or at least ideas of plans when I arrived. And suddenly, I’m discovering so much going on here every day, my plans have completely changed!
I am loving Oaxaca. I’ve stayed in Hostals in two different parts of the city so have walked in new areas a lot. Lovely! My Spanish has improved markedly which has been really helpful! I am meeting awesome new people every day both travelers and locals. Â
Today is Tuesday and the list of activities is starting to get long. I’m having to narrow down possibilities so I don’t overextend myself (did that Sunday) and crash! Â
Food is amazing ranging from stalls at the market to a French bakery with a long waiting list to get in each day. I’ve found good coffee, good enough for me to buy some to bring home with me. One place uses a blend of three different types of Mexican coffee, each roasted separately and then blended. It’s good enough I will bring some of it home.
When I came early, my feeling was that it might be too much time to spend here. NO WAY! Now, I’m thinking of extending it farther into next week. With all the activities in town, I haven’t made any trips to the ruins or local villages. Â
Mole, chocolate and mezcal are excellent here. I may buy some raw chocolate from the nibs to make at home when I return. Fire works, music, decorations and celebration everywhere. Sunday evening was the procession through town. I was on my feet walking through the crowd and then following them for four hours. And that is just one of the many activities going here each day!
Flowers are everywhere, particularly mom’s favorite, the marigold. Sand paintings are appearing. I’ll walk to a cemetery later and see what is unfolding there.