A Walk About With Larry

Mystery travel day

I had an amazing experience here in Paksong.  Earlier, I wrote that up and then lost internet connection and it vanished.  Now, I’m picking up my backpack, walking to the highway, catching a ride with a bus or tuk tuk to Pakse and then…????

Somehow, I’m making my way to Koh Chang in Thailand.  There is no direct or convenient service to get there.  The internet hasn’t been very helpful!  So rather than hop and hop from town to town and bus to bus, I may have to go directly back to Bangkok, catch a bus from there, travel to the ferry, go over to Koh Chang and hire a tuk tuk to take me to a quiet beach.  It may be a two or three day process?  So, shortly, I’m beginning!

I  stayed at Tad Fane Lodge overlooking the waterfalls.  They are reported to be the highest in Laos at over 200 meters!  It was so quiet and lovely here last night!  I slept to the sound of the water falls and woke to the greeting of a gibbon.

Now, time to move and see what unfolds.  This is backpack travel in it’s most raw form.  Tonight, I’ll be….somewhere?

The resort:  http://tadfane-resort.blogspot.com

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