I’m writing this while riding on a bus, from Koh Samet to Bangkok, reaching Bangkok during rush hour traffic on a Friday evening. If my request fora minibus had been fulfilled, I’d be in my hotel, maybe an hour ago.
It’s 5:40 pm. My “minibus” left at 1:30 for the three hour journey to Bangkok. The conversation to confirm this trip went like this.
“You sell tickets for bus to Bangkok?”
“Yes, minibus.”
“How long?”
“Three hours”.
“Only three hours?’
“Yes, three hours.”
“Can I buy a ticket?”
“No, wait until Friday morning. We call to see if they have room, then sell ticket.”
“Can I buy one now, ahead of Friday?”
And so it flowed. It sounded good with the exception of Friday rolling around and not getting a seat. But, I knew there were other less favorable buses and I would get to Bangkok.
As I write this, now four plus hours into this three hour trip, I realize I forgot a key piece of my own travel advice. Ask at least three people! Combine those answers and something close to the truth will reveal itself. I failed to do that!
There is a minibus. It runs directly to Koh San Road where I want to go. And that minibus takes three hours. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen about a dozen of them pass our slow moving deluxe bus in the past few hours. However, that company is not the one my hotel sells tickets for. Duh! I knew better! So I settle into my extended slow drive to Bangkok.
Our trip did “begin” with a minibus. For 30 minutes, we rode to a main highway, pulled over to the shoulder and wait for the big bus. After a 20 minute wait, the bus arrived and we transferred over.
When the big bus stopped for a 30 minute break at 3:30, I was certain this would not be a 3 hour trip. Such is travel! If you are unable to be flexible and go with the flow, which is most definitely going to be required, maybe reconsider the notion of traveling. It might not be for you.
A bit frustrated but, no worries! I am hopeful that this bus does actually take me to the part of Bangkok I want to reach. I selected this for ease and convenience. The other options go to either the airport or one of two bus stations. From there, I would be required hiring a taxi which would cost more than the hours reaching Bangkok. Or, getting a public bus from the airport which, during rush hour traffic, is a slow and very hot proposition.

Thus, I’m on the “minibus” bound for Bangkok. While slow and cumbersome, it is extremely comfortable, not full so there’s plenty of room, the air conditioner works great and I get a birds eye view of the city as we approach.
Once again travel reminds me: let go, stay present, deal with what shows up and continue smiling and being happy.

Two women showed up at the minibus place in Ban Phe shortly after I confirmed y ticket. Their bus to Koh Chang left 90 minutes earlier. They missed it.
They complained and argued with them manager. Having missed the bus, with non-refundable ticket, they would have to purchase a ticket to Trat, then get a tuk tuk to the ferry, then a ferry ticket and finally a taxi to lodging. They won’t make it today as the last ferry leaves before they will get there.

Arguing strongly, they were missing the one essential truth of the moment. This is NOW! The bus is gone. They can’t turn back time. NOW! What are the options NOW. There can be a certain adrenaline rush from being right, arguing, blaming a ferry or taxi driver, any form of denial can provide that rush. The essential truth, until a person surrenders to WHAT IS NOW, no positive action can be taken.
In frustration, irritated with the manager, not owning their responsibility for getting there on time, they took their luggage, went back to the pier and on to their next experience. Quite possibly, it will be very similar to this one.

All things considered, YES, I am appreciating my big “minibus” very much. It’s moving me closer and close to my destination. I have a reservation for the night so won’t have to lug a pack around while looking or a room. And soon, I’ll be happily grazing on Koh San Road before heading to my roof top pool to cool off this evening!
THE END…we finally arrived at 7:25. I left my hotel at 11:00 am this morning. Yes, it did drop me near my hotel so no other transportation was required. And yes, this is a short day of travel!
And yes, my room was not what I reserved! No king bed, sorry. My practice, be present with what is. It’s a lovely room, close to where I want to be and quiet. I dipped immediately into the pool which was heavenly! I left without my extra money which somehow got tangled with my passport and left in the safe. Craving something other than rice and fried noodles, I splurged on an $8.00 US burger, $230 TB. That is my total meal budget most days. And that’s when I discovered the extra $1,000 TB wasn’t in any pocket! Anticipating I’d have to go find an ATM and have the management trust me to come back and pay, I pillaged every pocket. And to my surprise, came up with EXACTLY $230 TB.
The burger was really excellent!
I loved the contrast. You enjoyed your 3 hour, all day ride…and got to where you wanted to go. The two women missed so much by living in the past and what didn’t work…and still didn’t get to where they wanted to go.
Wonderful reminders for all of us.
Hello Jill! As I read your comment, my mind formed an image of the faces of these two women. Tight, frowning, no sparkle in their eyes, rigid body language, suspicion and confrontation in their voice tone, short abrupt words. It’s highly likely that this moment with the missed bus was an opportunity to reflect on the energy they put out into their lives and thus have to live with. Maybe they got a clue later. If not, they will continue to run in to the same experience over and over because that’s who they are at the moment and reality has to match the inner energy and expectation of the individual.