Looks like the “Spirit of Coffee” to me!
Clouds gently brush past me here on the patio in San Jose del Pacifico. It’s moist and it’s cold! And, it’s mid-afternoon! No wonder many cabana’s here have fireplace!
This is a very quiet little village! Not much going on here! I decided to stop here for a night or two on my way to Oaxaca. Natural, lots of trees, flowers everywhere and lots of birds.
Getting here was a trip! Here’s the story I posted on FaceBook:
Serendipity again!!! Things are always working out for me!
Two days ago, I made a reservation for this morning. Yesterday, I confirmed it. This morning I stopped by early to pay for my ticket on the 11:15 bus.
There wasn’t going to be one!
There is one after 3:00 which, with the three hour journey, would get here at dark.
OR, I had 20 minutes to be ready for the 9:15 one!
Mostly packed, I was ready. However, the 9:15 didn’t show until nearly 10:00
A hammock rope broke in Zipolite as I sat in it crashing me to the ground. My back has bothered a lot since! I’ve been looking for a chiropractor in Oaxaca but have to get there first!
I was hoping the bus would not be a jammed packed van. It wasn’t and I was the only passenger in back with my choice of the 12 seats!
Closing my eyes, I laid down and dropped to sleep waking when the van stopped. Ninety minutes after departing, we arrived already. Note: NOT three hours! Getting time estimates here is a very sketchy business!
Cabanas San Jose was right near where the bus stopped. After getting a room, I went walking. One restaurant looked great but I decided to walk more and return. When I did, over an hour later, I walked into a scene!
Two tables were pushed together and a man was working on a woman’s back and adjusting her.
Finished, he looked up to me and asked if I wanted a treatment.
My chiropractor came to me, in a restaurant in the middle of no where, and adjusted my back. For free!
Awesome!so much better!
Yesterday I visited Finca Margarita. It’s a respected coffee farm near and I quickly learned why it is so respected! They only process the best beans, tossing anything inferior! One bad bean, to Coli (the owner), would destroy the taste of the entire batch. Rather than roast everything to sell which might make them more money, they only use the best beans!
He processes his beans through one of seven different processes. He showed me beans drying in the “honey” process. I think nearly everyone who stops by is on a tourist trip and get to check “visit a coffee farm” off their travel adventure list. However, seldom does anyone talk coffee with him.
We traded! He made me three different coffee’s from the same bean. Remarkably, they tasted completely different. The two he made by pour over method actually improved the longer they sat! It was unbelievable how good they tasted after 20 minutes! Some coffees sour in five minutes or less. These improved!
Then, I got to help him with his espresso process. Little tips I take for granted were new information for him. And, he was like a sponge! As long as he has been doing this..and his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc, he is completely open-minded and eager to learn.
In short order, he made some excellent milk. Well, for the milk they have available down here! It was awesome! The farm was lovely and we have a great walk around the property. Then, I jumped on the back of an ATV and was chauffeured back to town.
And, yes, I did find a hammock there on the finca! They had a really nice Temezcal as well!