A Walk About With Larry

Immersion and off grid

In little over 8 hours, I’ll get on the ferry from Gorontalo for the Togian Islands. Tomorrow morning, when we arrive, I’ll get a boat with friends or wait until the 4:00 pm public boat and head to the northern most island, Melenge. My friends told me it was their favorite.

Equipped with clean clothes from laundry yesterday, I’m ready for the next adventure. Friends who I met that just left the Togian Islands suggested I should expect to spend about double the amount of time I planned once I get there. One small island is known for it’s snorkeling and quiet with dolphins off the front of the cabins around 6:00 am and sunsets off the back deck in the evening.

I’ll not have internet access for a week or so. If you don’t hear from me, imagine me relaxing on a tropical island somewhere in Sulawesi.


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