A Walk About With Larry

Wisata Arborek Raja Ampat

Glimpse of Arborek, Raja Ampat

For those interested in a little more detail of where I am heading, here is a post from the website I’ve been using: www.StayRajaAmpat.com has been really helpful! If you are only interested in seeing photo’s of the homestay and the environment where I’m staying, click on the link below and then click on photo’s.

I’ll be posting links to the other two homestays over the next couple days.


The drill of putting together a trip here was a bit daunting. Mostly, it was daunting because I seldom plan any schedule and going to Raja Ampat required a schedule, bookings, homestay reservation and such. Doing that for the first time was challenging. The Stay Raja Ampat website was really helpful.

So here’s what happens next. In three days, I get on a flight out of Bali at 5:30 in the evening. I’ll land that evening in Makassar around 8:00 pm and wait for my next flight until 3:30 am. We then land in the village of Sorong where take a taxi and head to the harbor for a ferry that leaves at 9:00 am. Once the ferry lands in Waisai, I pay the $1,000,000 IDR tourist entrance fee and find the boat from my homestay. After that final transport, I’ll be in Manta Homestay on Arborek near the village of Arborek.

If I have any question about sufficient funds, I’ll have one last opportunity to withdraw money at the airport before leaving. There are no ATM’s in the islands.

Yesterday, I finished my final booking! I’ll be in Sorong for one night to catch an early flight onward to Sri Lanka.

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