A Walk About With Larry

Cleaning and Apology!

Users List

Cleaning up, literally, everything.  Now, that includes my list of “users” in my wordpress blog account.  Somewhere over the years, I have accumulated something like 4,712 “users”.  I use quotes because they appear not to be real!

Body parts, women from Russia, garage doors, office supplies, cabinetry, SEO support, marketing programs, homes, etc…it appears that originally, my account was open to any and all subscribers.  

Not Now!

I’ve avoided working on this because I could only work on 10 users at a time.  Tonight, I learned a way I can work on hundreds.  What that means is that this isn’t an exact science and my eyes are a bit crossed already!

I'm rolling, sorry if you get lost!

I’m rolling along with this.  I’ve also got thousands of photo’s to look at and delete.  So for right now, I feel a bit like this!

Image result for steam coming out of ears public domain

That means I might accidentally delete some of you who really want to be engaged here!  Thus, an experiment!

Tonight, I’m going to finish sorting through all those names.  Whew!

Tomorrow, I’ll send a special link to everyone that is still connected with my website!  If you don’t receive something tomorrow, please let me know.  The link to subscribing is broken here but, you can email me!  

Click on the “contact me” button and send me a message if you don’t receive something tomorrow.  I’ll manually enter your name and email into my user account.  And we should be good to go.

My next adventure is something you may want to follow along with!


Thank you!

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