A Walk About With Larry


Christmas and Gulungan in Bali

Late on Christmas here, I’m packing and organizing to leave tomorrow. However, I had to take my camera out and walk through the neighborhoods looking at the ceremonial decorations they have been working so hard on for days!

What is Galungan? It’s a time when ancestors come back to visit, a time of celebrating the triumph of good over evil. Here’s a brief story on it:


Interesting that this year, I’ve been able to celebrate two similar holidays in two different countries. Dia de los Muertos in Mexico and Galungan day here are a time when ancestors return for a brief time. I’m certainly feeling the energy of mom around today….perhaps because of the cinnamon roll I treated myself to for lunch?

I made one large photo gallery of images I captured the past couple days.

And as I depart, I’m setting off to a more remote adventure! I’m downsizing my experiences in a way. First was the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur. Then, it’s been the quieter but touristy experience here in Ubud. Next, remote and rustic bungalows on remote islands most people have never heard of.

Tomorrow, my journey begins at 1:00 as we head to the airport. With very good luck, I’ll be getting off a boat on Arborek about 24 hours later. I’m planning to spend hammock time recovering once I get there!

Happy holidays everyone!

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