A Walk About With Larry

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Bali adjustments and Delights!

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Hello From Bali!!  All the enormous challenge of dealing with details, trying to get a straight answer that was confirmed by at least one other person, regulations changing three times the last six days before my trip….one important detail remains!

I am NOW in Bali and all of that, the long hours, phone calls and lengthy travel is so totally worth it!

This is my third day and it seems like they are flying by.  I’m practicing staying present and enjoying each moment!!  The people are as loving as I remember…such warmth oozes form them naturally!

And I feel connected to the world with so many things to experience only a few steps away!


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This morning, I woke in between Bali time and USA time at 4:00 am.  AWAKE!  I rested and meditated and then, realized the sunrise was coming so I headed out to experience that.  Saturday morning, early, and already it was a very busy morning!  They have a bazaar here Saturday and Sunday mornings so vendors were setting up, lots of people on the path by the beach…walkers, runners, bicycle riders, dog walkers, etc.  HUGE contrast to yesterday!  I got in a nice bike ride and finished shortly after 8:00 am.  After the rain last night, the clear sun rise brought immediate humidity and heat with it.  Plus the crowd on the walk, I was ready for a shower and breakfast…if I could find a table.  Yesterday, it was empty except for one other table.  This morning, there was only one table available!  Noisy, crowded, lots of families, very few phones visible…and lots of smiles and greetings from strangers.

Bazaar crowd this morning
Early, 7:00 am walkers
Restaurant crowd
And, the beach yoga group

Things that are different!

Details!  Immense challenge preparing to travel.  Now, those are gone.  Decisions now: beach or pool?  Coffee or tea?  Walk or ride a bike?  

Feet!  I haven’t worn shoes that long in ages and they really rebelled when I reached Singapore.  Now, not only are my feet happy, my flip flop tan line is rapidly returning!

Sinus issues!  I brought a really good spray on the flights.  Now, with this humidity, any issues with dry, irritated sinus….GONE!

Contrast!  My macchiato cost me $50,000 rupiah.  That’s roughly $3.50.  My grilled shrimp and calamari last night at a small local family warung, $60,000.  My hour massage and acupressure session just completed, $50,000.  Hiring a motor bike driver, 10 minute drive, to take me to massage, $14,000 (under $1.00 US)  Dinner at a tourist restaurant, some menu items are high  as $350,000!  That’s the way to either spend a fortune or go on the inexpensive route.  Not only is the food often better, the money supports a local family.

Every restaurant I’ve returned to, the staff remember me and my name.  No isolation or disconnect here!  “How was your massage” was the question at lunch because they asked me what my plans were and remembered my response.

Tiny but powerful!

IMG 2127Not quite the same program as when I fly to Kuala Lumpur!  There, I go to the Chinese Medical clinic for acupuncture for jet lag, at a cost of $7.00 per session.  Here, my friend Lissu recommended a place around the corner that has a combination Thai/shiatsu massage.  It was a short walk and I was able to text with them for an appointment. 

This tiny lady pulverized the jet lag right out of my body.  Never too deep to be unbearable, perfect mix of techniques for 90  minutes.  Great start to my trip!

Power often comes in really tiny aligned packages!

Magical Morning!

Early bike rides both days here.  Earlier this morning.  When it finally hit me that I was awake, not going back to sleep, and I could see light replacing darkness outside, I got up.

I love this time of day!!  So peaceful.  Birds are all out and noisy!  In about 10 days I’ll be experiencing that on a boat in the forest and river of Southern Borneo!  


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And I never know what unusual experience or connection will show up in my day.  My first evening, it was Endra at the “Soul On The Ocean” restaurant.  Very nice man, connected, thoughtful, and I can see his influence in how staff show up.

Yesterday, while I was exploring by bike, it was the man in the photo on the left!  I stopped to take a photo and he was standing down the slope from me.  I noticed the shiny new finish on his boat.  He was fastening the runner back after doing repairs and tightening heavy fishing line to hold it in place.  After I took his photo, I offered to help him!  He could do it himself but two extra hands made easier work of it.  Nice connecting!  

This morning, his boat was gone early!  

Open heart and friendly!

Little girl at laundryI’m so impressed by the open heart, warmth and friendliness of the Balinese people.  And I’m aware of how they are influenced and reacting to me.  Put it out there and it comes back to you!  Still, everywhere, people have been so friendly and welcoming!  They remember!  A restaurant I went to once, several staff said, “Thank you Larry” when I left the second time!.  Feed my Soul!  I do so love being part of a place that is walkable, connected, where people connect and travel slowly through life, not rushing!  Here, connections and taking time are important!

Here, I’ve also run into a few tourist that I’m sure….NEVER have that experience.  It’s an interesting contrast!  The look on their face, controlling, no eye contact, unfriendly, tight and rigid body language.  It’s not as if the local Balinese are ignoring them but are being shut out.  That’s isolation!  

If it is true that whatever shows up in our life, we attract, then pay attention to what you are putting out.  For one thing, I remember Eddy telling me how to calm my mind so it was not so active and busy all the time.  I’ve heard it as a remedy to life conditions from other healers…”Smile More.  Be Happy”!  Nyoman will say the same thing.  So why not choose to feel good, no matter what, regardless of conditions, and take that with you/me into any situation in life?  

Being here, feeling that, what an awesome reminder!

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Seeing and Looking!

From experience, I know my senses can become numb to seeing all the amazing new things I’m looking at.  When that happens, I am “looking” at things but not really “seeing” them.  So daily, I’m taking time to focus, to really see what is right in front of me!  It keeps everything fresh!

Examples of seeing!

Travel day!

I’ve so enjoyed staying here in Sanur.  My friend Lissu told me a little about it when she was here during the covid shut down.  Horrible place to be stranded…NOT!  When I was able to find a qualifying hotel here rather than stay in an expensive resort elsewhere, I picked this location.  Turns out, it’s perfect!  Tomorrow, I head off to Ubud and my family there at Sandat Bali!  Yay!  

I must say I’m a bit reluctant to go, not that I don’t want to see my family.  This is the first time I’ve ever done this…..land after a long trip intentionally to relax, rest up and adjust to all the changes.  Awesome idea!  The last part of my trip, I’ll be back here to wrap up and do the same thing…rest up and recharge before going home!

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