A Walk About With Larry

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Amazing already!






DSC3955Several years ago, I posted a brief update of my first couple days traveling. A friend wrote that her life felt boring compared to what I was experiencing.  My life at home felt boring compared to my first day here!

I debated at the airport what transportation to take?  There was one final express train I could catch and a couple of buses were departing soon.  Feeling into the flow of the situation, I walked on to the Taxi booth.  All prices were fixed.  It felt like it would be: A) much more money than the other options, B) direct and uncomplicated and C) the path with the greatest flow.  I chose taxi.  And a great ride it was with a man who lives near here and this was his final drive of the night.  Great conversation!

This morning, I actually woke rested and felt no effects of jet lag.  I slept quite a bit on the flights and slept pretty well last night.  When I woke at 3:00 am (1:00 pm in the afternoon at home), I focused on my breathing and went right back to sleep.  I woke again after 7:00.

Rundown of my first half days of travel:

  • Had breakfast on the roof overlooking the city.  Fresh air and lots of construction.  Fresh air with lots of humidity to treat my sinus’s so dry from the plane ride.
  • Met people from Philippines, Japan, Taipei, New Zealand and several other places.  That was just over breakfast!
  • Walked to acupuncture clinic and had a great treatment!  Very excellent doctor.  First concern:  “Have you been under a lot of pressure with your work?”  No but I explained what I had gone through the last months of mom’s life and how challenging it has been to reset my energy from that…the reason for this trip.  She took blood pressure….very good!  Health and physical body:  really good!  Heart:  energetically and from a “responsibility” perspective, needs to let go.  Great session and I’ll see her again Friday before I fly on to Bali.
  • Met Julia and Miriam from Germany.  They are five days into a 7 month trip!  Talked with Ashley here at hostel, one day in to three month trip.  Very inspiring.
  • Great Indian food and conversation with businessman at next table before he had to head back to office.  Real conversation about work, life, balance, growth etc.
  • Now, back at hostel following Dr. orders.  Take it easy.  Nothing heavy today!  Stretch.  Meditate!  If I wasn’t meditating, I’d have more significant challenges.  So happy I continued that through all the drama and challenges and unpredictability with mom and her care!!!
  • And BIG plans for later:  coconut ice cream!  Found it but was too full after lunch of:  fresh Naan, murtabak and Masala Tea.  So rough having to make these kind of choices…ice cream now, later or both?  So stressful!!!

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