A Walk About With Larry

Organic Bali Wake Alarm 0011

Settling in to Ubud

I’m feeling settled in here.  In the past two days, I’ve seen old friends, visited old favorite restaurants, had good coffee, relaxed, been massaged, had some more coffee and seen a healer.  Yes, I’m feeling like I’m settled into the blessing and openness of Bali.  Yay!

Today, I woke early to the sounds of the birds outside my window.  To some, they may be annoying.  This morning, they woke me at 5:30.  I got up and slid the doors open to hear them more clearly.  I don’t know the name for the small singing birds but I believe the bird with the loud annoying sound in the background is called a “rooster”, among other names.

From there, the day unfolded like this.  Meet a new friend Tina from Holland at breakfast.  She left for tour and Stan (from Perth) joined me.  Then my friend Lissa came.  Yes, it was a three hour breakfast.

During that time, after being put in the “wrong” room when I arrived, the staff moved me while I was eating and chatting.  And, I had requested a motor bike and that arrived.  Yes, already, I’m traveling around the village on my motor bike.  There is a lot more traffic and many more cars than before so I’m especially careful!

I went to the Bintang Market for a few things including a large bottle of water and discovered one of my favorite restaurants from before moved up there.  Perfect for lunch.

Yesterday, I stopped at Anomali Coffee and talked to them about the coffee they use.  Ryan invited me to come by around 2:00.  They had me come back behind the bar, showed me their system and invited me to make my own drink!  Lovely coffee!

It rained, I rested and then went to Utama Supa Dupa Spice to pick up some lotion and natural mosquito repellent.  That’s where the rice field photo’s below come from.

Then it was dinner time.  I walked down Hanoman Street and saw a friend who still runs the shop where I bought my Buddha statue many years ago.  He was excited to see me.  Across the street I ran into people I knew before at Kaffe and then stopped to see Dewa and family.  I stayed with them the last couple times I was here.  Great seeing them.

Finally, I stopped at my old favorite haunt for dinner.  The small and intimate family restaurant has had an upscale face lift.  The staff recognized me and the food is still good.

On my way back, I stopped at Warung Sopa, a vegetarian restaurant with great food and a lovely owner.  Sipping my fresh made ginger ale, I met Sofi.  She operated a school for handicapped children and is starting a women leadership program here.

And back here, Nyoman has a line of people awaiting sessions with him.  He left for school to teach at 7:30 this morning and often does healing work until midnight.  It’s a wonderful lesson watching him work, allow the energy to flow through him and he doesn’t tire.

Now, wrapping up my day so I can get an early start to go visit my healer friend Eddy in Sukawati near the market.

Three days and it feels like I’ve been here for a week at least!



3 thoughts on “Settling in to Ubud”

  1. Hi Lar.
    So fun. It sounds like a coming home for you.
    The coffee theme weaving into your adventures wherever you go and reconnecting with friends. Fantastic!

  2. Mmmmmm. Some familiar places/people. The feeling of your posts brings the experience to me vicariously. Sounds wonderful. Best to Eddie and Dewa and family if you see them again. Have a cuppa for me!

  3. You sound great…like you walked through a screen to the “other side” 🙂 so glad to hear the relaxed in your voice. Just a note: I’m glad I’m not the only one who would open the door/window to wallow in birds singing.

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