A Walk About With Larry

Street in Copan

Copan has grown on me!

The street in the image above was virtually a river one night.  For the past two evenings, there has been a lot of rain.  During the day, it’s been perfect!  Cool mornings giving way to late morning warmth.  Afternoon clouds cool it before it gets too intense.  I’ve experience no humidity discomfort so far.  But, then, there is Nicaragua!  It’s all lower elevation and much warmer.  

Things are close and compact here.  Most things are easily walkable and if not, the tuk tuk cost is very affordable!  And there is a range of options.  One blog I read recommended a cafe they went to every day.  I stopped there on the way back from Copan Ruins.  It was so modern and trendy, it could have been in Boulder, Colorado!  The prices were high.  Yet, it was very full of local Honduran people who can afford that experience.  The burgers were over $10 US!  Then, there is Mary’s Comedor, local food made really well.  Dinner tonight cost me $6 for everything!  A visible range of weatlth and poverty here.  People I see on the street have been very friendly, curious and engaging!

The people here are very friendly.  I stopped a tuk tuk driver early to take me to Macaw Mountain but didn’t like his energy.  I walked a short distance and saw an unusual green tuk tuk.  The price was the same but the driver very friendly.

On the way up, he pointed out the Maya School I had heard about.  I wanted to visit.  When we reached Macaw Mountain, he asked if I needed a return ride?  He said Macaw mountain normally takes one hour.  I knew it would be two minimum!  I asked him to meet me at the school down the road.

Turns out, he went there as a child!  We met a man from the Dallas area volunteering there who gave me an overview of the program and such.  Fifty percent of children there are on scholarship…or they wouldn’t have that opportunity.  

Class meeting outside at the school.

Morning Copan Walk

I left early this morning after breakfast.  My intent was to find the location for the shuttle going from here to the border.  I’ve heard several different things so went walking to have a look.  I found the spot by the cemetery and a driver told me how the morning schedule worked.  Then, I met Alejandro…driver for a different company.  We sat and talked and he showed me pictures of his adventures in nature!  

I walked three blocks to the location for the earlier shuttle leaving at 6:00 am.  I’ve heard there is one and that there is not one.  Next to the spot is a hotel.  They told me there is indeed a shuttle at 6:00 am.  When traveling, I like leaving early as it gives me more options.  Often, there are more buses regularly scheduled early morning.  Then, a man stopped me on the street, speaking English.  He lives in Boston, is from Honduras, comes here for the summer then goes back to Boston for the winter.  

Around the corner near the crowded coffee shop,  an older woman stopped and asked me some questions then gave me a blessing for my journey.  

At Cafe Welchez, they remembered me from last night and made me a cappuccino.  No charge!  Gratis today.  International Coffee day!  See a photo of that before.

Those kind of interactions happened throughout the morning.  Yes, Copan is growing on me!  The option I chose for my last day here…the bosque/forest.  I went back to Macaw Mountain.  Cooler in the forest, interesting sounds from birds and water, and a feeling of “embrace” there.  I would have been happy to pay again but the woman remembered me, made out an official looking receipt from yesterday and welcomed me back!

Below, a few photos from the day.  

Walking around Copan

From Macaw Mountain

Coffee at Macaw Mountain

After walking through Macaw mountain, I stopped at their cafe for a coffee.  No sooner than I sat down, Scarlet Macaws began flying in and landing on the branches over head.  

I walked through the blooming bush in the video to the right with hummingbirds and butterflies buzzing over my head.  I listened to an Oropendula in another tree, watched a small woodpecker dance vertically up a tree and saw small birds taking a bite from the feeding trays.  

Mayatan School Copan

Here is a link to the Mayatan School outside Copan.  If you have a dream about going somewhere to volunteer, learn or improve your Spanish and enrich your life, consider this as a possibility!


Coffee in Coffee Country!

DSC01968I have had some very good coffee here!  Walking around Macaw Mountain, I occasionally saw coffee trees bearing fruit.  Coffee and Cacao everywhere!  Great timing being here for International Coffee Day!!

Travel day!

Time to have some dinner and then pack for my early morning departure!  Travel like this is always interesting.  Begin!  Find a shuttle, go the first leg.  Deal with immigration.  Next country, next step, bus or shuttle or something!  Connections….maybe direct, maybe multiple bus stops with time between.  Eventually, I’ll get there and the next phase of my adventure begins!  Soon, I’ll be off!  Ciao!

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