A Walk About With Larry

Copan Ruins, Honduras

Copan Ruins Experience!

Amazing experience this morning!

Copan Ruins, Honduras

Awesome morning this morning!!!  I was one of if not the first person buying a ticket this morning to see the ruins.  Definitely not crowded at 8:00 am opening!  Cooler!  Quiet without all the crowds and group tours.  And the birds were very active.  Before I got to the security fence, a 400 meter walk through the forest, I heard Macaws!  

As I showed my ticket to the agent, he told me that in about 40 minutes, they were going to do a feeding!  And he said there would be MANY more Macaws! 

I walked to a remote part of the complex that would get more crowded later and saw that in the cool of the morning!  That was pretty cool

As the squaking sound of the Macaws grew more intense, I headed back toward the entrance.  It wasn’t 40 minutes, much longer.  But the birds, the sounds, everything was so entertaining, I walked back and forth getting different views and taking a ton of photos!

And then, the man with the food arrived.  What a symphony!  I had to duck a couple times as Macaws flew by my ear to reach a feeding station.  

Here are some of the photos that came out!

And...a couple videos

The videos show and capture the experience much better!  I’m having difficulty with videos being saved as “shorts” rather than video.  Hopefully, these links will work for you!


Tomorrow, I’m going to Macaw mountain early in the morning to see what they are doing there.  I am understanding that the Scarlet Macaw are raised there, eventually released to the ruins area park, and eventually leave to populate other parts of the valley here.  

After that, I’m going to get a massage!  Perfect!

Tonight, I walked to dinner and a huge rain storm dumped on me.  The first three places I went to check out were all closed.  Ah ha!  It’s Sunday!  Already, I’m losing track of days of the week!  

I’ve got two more days here and then head out around 6:00 am to travel, some how, by some connection, for whatever time it takes, to the organic farm where I’ll be staying.  Something will work.  Maybe several something’s!  I like starting early as it gives me more possibilities.  

The first part of my journey includes…a shuttle to the border, passing through customs and immigration in reverse…then getting some sort of transport to the town with the bus station nearest…and then a bus to the general direction I am going.  If I’m really lucky, being there early, I might be able to find a bus direct to Poptun saving inconvenience and time!  

Soon, I’ll be there and let you know!  Ciao!!

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