Leadership and Personal Development / By Larry Prochazka
After our time together in California, I wanted to put together some follow-up ideas for you. This short video contains the essence of what we talked about. It does not include your personal insights. Perhaps more will pop up as you listen to this.
Recently, I’ve had experiences of companies who are technically proficient and certainly know what they are doing. However, they remain cold, distant, impersonal and disconnected. I’m not in the business of helping they achieve their numbers. If I have no relationship, there is no way I connect nor will I have an ongoing relationship with them.
The key is to continue to grow yourself, make your life work better, live the highest version of yourself possible and spread that around. And while you are doing that, to run your business effectively.
The key is to manage both, the aspects of a business that need to be managed while taking care of people, their needs and interest, in a way that has them feeling inspired, sincerely cared about and fully engaged in their work.
That delicate dance is only possible if you also prioritize your own personal needs. If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will!
Enjoy the video! I’m also posting a file with some links I referred to last week if you would like to explore a little deeper!
Use the comment section below to interact with me and each other.
Make yours a great life!
Below is a visual of the pdf file you can download above. It will give you an idea of what to expect before you download.
“Spirit OfLeadership” links and support.
I mentioned a number of topics and resources last week. Here are a few that might be helpful to you.
Daily habits of outrageously successful people: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/business-meditation-executives-meditate_n_3528731
Essentialism summary: https://calvinrosser.com/notes/essentialism-gregmckeown/
Power of Emotional Contagion: https://www.quantifiedcommunications.com/blog/power-of-emotional-contagion
Followers mirror their leaders: https://hbr.org/2008/09/social-intelligence-and-thebiology-of-leadership
Banning small talk makes you happier: https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/banning-small-talk-from-your-conversations-makes-you-happier-says-scienceask-any-of-these-12-questions-for-a-change.html
Strengths-based leadership:
1.) Development: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/236297/strengths-basedemployee-development-business-results.aspx
2.) Leadership including an on-line assessment: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/236297/strengths-based-employee-development-business-results.aspx
Top five regrets of dying (tips for living): https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2012/feb/01/top-five-regrets-of-the-dying
Arianna Huffington interview on Ellen, an overview of her experience and the notion of“Thriving”; https://youtu.be/Ef5ubeRBShk