A Walk About With Larry

Mexico Travel

Travel to Teothhuican
Travel to Teotihuican in Mexico

Maiden Voyage, Travel in Mexico!

My introduction to travel in Mexico came in the mid-1980’s.  I drove South from San Diego into Baja California.  I didn’t speak Spanish, was open to an adventure and launched into this new experience.  Poor gas caused car troubles.  The food was great!  I loved the environment, saw a church built by Eiffel in Santa Rosalia, witnesses  bioluminescence on flying fish at night, entertained children waiting in the tortilla line with me and had a great experience.  Camping on the beach!  Seeing whale spouts, enjoying sunrise and sunsets…it was great!  Many years passed before I got back to Mexico.  Now, I’ve spent around 2 years traveling in Mexico.  I love the culture, the food and the people!  It’s a “close to home” and easy destination to visit.  I’m linking pages to various places in Mexico to this menu.  Enjoy and thank you for visiting!  If you have any questions, ask!

Fisherman at sunrise heading out in the Sea of Cortez to work.

Amazing variety!

Insipring sunrise.  Interesting nature!  Soft sandy beaches.  Simple life.  This was a great introduction for me to Mexico.  Mexico is such a diverse culture.  As much as I’ve traveled here, there is so much more I’d like to see!

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